July 13, 2018

# population old quote 1996

Here is one optimistic but realistic scenario of what might
happen [...] (physical constraints *are* taken account of,
in phases 1 through 6 - but not 7, for a reason): 

(1) population peaks at about 9 billion by 2035;
(2) near mid-century, a severe shortage of workforce is felt;
(3) a breakthrough permitting
mass production of babies by *in vitro* gestation
is achieved (with perfect genetic health, too). A global
economic boom follows - and extra-global,
too:  space ventures get really profitable at last.
(4) population explodes, reaching 100 billion by
2150, three quarters of them on earth, the rest
around the Solar System; Earth is mostly a place
for living and brainwork now (a most pleasant place,
a garden planet) - much of industry and agriculture
has moved off-planet.
(5) A.D. 2,250: a trillion humans live in
the Solar System (a quarter trillion of
them on Earth); interstellar colonization is beginning,
with great amounts of human genetic material shipped
along. All people are practically immortal by now,
except for accidents. Per capita energy
consumption is 1,000 the present Western level.
Perfect health, vigor and radiant happiness
throughout the unlimited life are everyone's birthright.
(6) A.D 2,400: a quadrillion humans inhabit
the Solar System, quintillions exist in nearby
parts of the Galaxy and are spreading like
a forest fire. Mankind's immortality
(and that of formerly terrestrial life) is guaranteed.
But, due to genetic engineering,
humans have split into several species by
this time (all of them far superior to modern
Homo semiSapiens) - and  continue to evolve.
Their knowledge and understanding exceed ours
as much as ours differ from a chimp's.
(7) A.D. 3,000. The space-time continuum itself
has become manipulable by post-humans.
They manufacture universes out of vacuum, they
influence cosmic evolution as *we* influence
global evolution already. Their intelligence has
increased on a par with their powers.
By our standards (though
not by theirs!) they are gods. No limits
that we can think of apply to them.

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